Our Fleet

See indicative car models from our fleet

Qrent car rental fleet includes a wide variety of cars.
Choose one of them and you will drive comfortably, luxuriously and – above all – safely.

Renault Clio S/W Diesel

Group E ( Renault Clio Combi or similar )
from € 22 / day
Renault Clio  S/W Diesel
Engine CC: 1600cc
Passengers: 5
Doors: 5
Baggages: 5
Small baggages: 3
Large baggages: 2
Gearbox: Manual
2018-2023 YEAR MODELS

Model features

  • Engine CC: 1600cc
  • Passengers: 5
  • Doors: 5
  • Baggages: 5
  • Small baggages: 3
  • Large baggages: 2
  • Gearbox: Manual
  • Air-condition
  • ABS
  • Airbag
  • GPS navigation
  • Fuel: Diesel
  • Radio/CD

Our prices include

  • Theft & fire Insurance
    We also offer free of charge Theft & fire insurance
  • Unlimited Kilometers from the 5th rental day
  • Roadside assistance 24/7
    We also offer totally free 24hrs 7 days a week roadside assistance.
  • Fully comprehensive insurance
    Without excess & credit card deposit
  • All taxes and VAT
    Our prices are final and includes all taxes and VAT
  • Free extra driver
    The first extra driver is totally free
  • Free pick-up/drop-off
    We provide free pick-up and drop-off
  • 0€ Excess in case of a damage
    (reporting obligation)

Terms and conditions

Website Terms of Use

  • Making a reservation on this site
  • Data Protection
  • Use of Reservation
  • Property Rights
  • Permitted use
  • Changes in the present website
  • Links to other websites
  • Internet electronic mail (e-mail)
  • Unavailability
  • Security
  • Limited responsibility
  • Statement of service guarantee exclusion
  • Damage
  • Various

User Agreement for the use of the Qrent website

Making a reservation on this website

A reservation (verified or not) does not consist of an agreement for car rental service. The agreement will be made during the rental period and will be upheld by law of the country in which it will be made.


The website and the attached reservation facility (hereinafter known as “the website”) is owned and operated by Qrent.gr .For usage purposes, the present terms and conditions “we”, “our” and “us” are repeated to refer to Qrent.gr. On your part, the use of the present website includes your agreement to be upheld by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the implementable terms and conditions, then you are not authorized to use the present website.

Data Protection
All personal information you provide when using the present website will be used according to our policy for the security of personal information.

Use of Reservation
The capability to make reservations via the present website is provided exclusively to make a reasonable and legal reservation for yourselves and those travelling with you. Incorrect use of the capability to make reservations may result, among others, in us prohibiting you access to this.

Property Rights
All of the trademarks, composed rights, rights to the database and all other copyrights of the significant information on this website (as well as its organisation and framework) connected to the underlying software code, belongs either to us or to our legal representatives. Without our previous written consent, you may not copy, print, change, publish, announce, distribute or sell or transfer any of the significant information on this website or any of the underlying software code in part or whole. Furthermore, the contents of the website may be “downloaded” for you to print or copy for your non-commercial personal use

Permitted use
You may use the present website according to the present terms and conditions and in every case, only for legal and befitting purposes which consist of abiding by all implemented laws, regulations and practice codes within Greece or other legislation according to where the present website is entered from.

More specific, you agree that you will not:

  • send, transfer or transmit any of information to or via this website which may be damaging, offensive, slanderous or by any other means illegal.
  • use the present website in a manner which causes or may cause damage to the rights of every third party.
  • make a non-permitted, false or misleading reservation.
  • use any software, method or interference software or attempt to electronically or manually interfere with the present website’s operation or operability including the unexclusive implication of the prohibition to “upload” or create files containing destroyed data or viruses, by any means.
  • alter, modify or tamper with the depicted “style and feel” of the present website or its underlying software code.
  • go forward in any action which will create an unreasonable and asymmetrical large burden to the present website or to the relativity of its framework.
  • obtain or act to obtain prohibited access by any means to any of our networks.
  • use the capability to make reservations in a manner which interferes the capability for others to make.

By reservation of our entire rights, we have the exclusive right to:

  • cancel your reservations without informing you, and/or
  • deny you access to the present website if we believe (and this is up to our complete judgment) that you have acted in violation of the present terms and conditions.

Changes in the present website
We have the right to make improvements or changes to the information, the services, the products and every significant information on the present website or to permanently interrupt its operation without any warning. We may also modify the present terms and conditions at any time and this modification will be valid with the announcement of such terms and conditions on this website. Furthermore, following the modifications, usage of the present website on your part is considered as an acceptance to the modified terms and conditions.

Links to other websites
This website may contain links to other websites on the internet. This does not imply that we agree with all content of these websites, nor are we responsible for the information contained or is accessible via this internet network. Access and use on your part of these websites are your exclusive responsibility.
Internet electronic mail (e-mail)
Messages sent on the internet cannot be guaranteed as completely safe as they may offensive, be misplaced or be damaged. As such, we are not responsible for the correctness and accuracy of any message sent via e-mail on the internet- either being sent from us to you, or from you to us.

Internet e-mail
Messages sent over the internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure, as they can be hacked, lost or corrupted. We are therefore not responsible for the correctness and accuracy of any message sent by electronic mail over the internet – whether from us to you, or from you to us.

We cannot guarantee that we can present you access to this website without interruptions and without errors or that any information, element, content, software or other significant information will be free from programming errors, viruses, threats, spyware or any other damaging factor.

We will take all reasonable measures to secure that all information you send on the present website when you use the capability to make reservations to be secure and protected from every unauthorised access. Apart from this, however, we cannot guarantee that unauthorised access will not exist and as such, we are not responsible for any access to this information coming from unauthorised access.

Limited responsibility
In no event are we responsible for any direct or indirect, specific criminal, consequential, loss or damages of any nature which result from access or use of the present website either made by you or via your access to other internet websites linked to the present, as aforementioned, including profit or losses either by partially accepting or not, either referring to a violation of the agreement or not, damage (including negligence), responsible for the product or others, even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages.
None of the present terms and conditions may exclude or limit our responsibility in the case of death or personal harm caused by carelessness or illusive perception.

Statement of service guarantee exclusion
The information, services and significant information published on this website may contain technical or typographic errors. Changes are made periodically to this information. Improvements or changes to the present website may be made by us at any time.
In relation to the suitability of the information, the services and the significant information existing on this website, we do not recreate any of it for any reason. All of the information, the services and significant information are provided “as is”, without a provision of guarantee of any kind. To the highest degree permitted by Law, we do not accept a guarantee of services in relation to the information, the services and the significant information consisting of implied guarantees and agreements of marketing ability, suitability for a specific purpose, titles and non-violations.

You agree to pay us damages, defend and uphold us for any registered liability, loss, claim and expense (including legal attorney fees) in relation to any violation of the present terms and conditions on your part.

These terms and agreements contain all of the terms of your agreement to us, referred on your part by the use of the present website. Any other oral or written statement (including statements in advertising and marketing pamphlets published by us) is taken into consideration.
Use of the present website on your part, any material you “download” from it and the operation of the terms and conditions, is hereby upheld by implementation of the Greek and European union laws and you accept exclusive clauses of such authorization of the Greek Courts.

Driver’s Certificate / License
In order to drive a rented vehicle, the driver must have a valid driver’s license issued in a member state of the European Union at least one year prior to the start of rental or an International License.

Insurance / Deposit and Guarantee
The car rental cost covers 24h Road Assistance, Third Party Insurance (T.P.I.) and Collision Damage Waiver C.D.W. is subject to an excess (deductible), which varies depending on car type-model and the lessee is liable for it.

For this rental required a credit card(VISA,MASTERCARD) in the name of the driver for the amount of excess in order to be deposit as a guarantee.

Combined Insurance
                  FULL INSURANCE  
Category Deductible amount / Deposit Deductible amount / Deposit  
A – B – C  800 € 0 €  
C1-D-E-F-G-LUX 1000 € 0 €  

Transport of the vehicle via ferry-boat and/or outside the Greek borders is PROHIBITED without the written consent of the company.

Combined Insurance C.D.W.

  • A CDW insurance including a participation amount concerns the external parts of the vehicle (doors, wings, car hood and bumpers).
  • Any damage to tires, hubcaps, mirrors, windscreen, surrounding glass, vehicle interior (seats, instruments, etc.), mechanical parts and the bottom part, is not covered by the C.D.W.
  • Accident involving another vehicle:
    a. When the QRent driver-renter is not at fault (based on a court decision), whatever the damage to the vehicle is, they are not liable for compensation.
    b. When the QRent driver-renter is responsible for the accident, they are responsible for the exterior of the vehicle up to the amount of participation stated and agreed upon in the rental agreement, as well as entirely for other damages (windows, tires, mechanical parts, interior, bottom part).

    Accident with no other vehicle involved: 
  • In case the Qrent vehicle has an accident without involvement of another vehicle e.g. if it goes off the road, overturns, hits a fixed obstacle (tree or wall, etc.), the driver-renter covered by CDW insurance is responsible for the external damages to the vehicle up to the amount of participation stated and agreed upon in the rental agreement, but also in full for damages to the bottom part of the vehicle and to the tires, windows, interior and mechanical parts.
  • In case of an accident, should the traffic police confirm that the driver-renter is (by law) in a state of intoxication or is not holder of a driving license, the latter is not covered by any insurance and is fully responsible for every damage to the QRent vehicle (external and internal), as well as for any damage caused to everything else involved in the accident.
  • In case of damage to the QRent’s vehicle due to collision or fire, the driver-renter must pay the amount of liability for damage, which equals to € 800 for vehicle categories A, B, C, €1000 for categories C1 , D ,E , F , G, LUX, even if the renter is not responsible. The liability amount does not include storage and loss of vehicle cost. When and if QRent is compensated for the damage, it will return the corresponding amount to the renter.
  • In case the driver-renter drives off the asphalt road, they are not covered by any insurance and are fully responsible for every damage to the QRent vehicle (external and internal), but also for any damage caused to everything else involved in the accident.

In each of the above cases, recording of the event by the traffic police accompanied with a breath test is considered a mandatory condition.

(Prices do not include VAT)

Guarantee Amount for Collision Damage Waiver C.D.W.:
In case you choose C.D.W. you will need to pay a guarantee. The exact amount of the guarantee depends on the class of the vehicle as well as on the days and the rental period. The guarantee can be paid  by credit card. With the return of the vehicle, the guarantee is returned.

FULL Insurance Package

  • In case of accident and involvement of another vehicle, the ULTIMATE insurance policy offers complete coverage in case of damage to the vehicle windows/windscreen, mirrors/lanterns , 24-hour roadside assistance with vehicle replacement, as well as total vehicle theft coverage. In order to activate the full discharge of liability, recording of the event by the traffic police accompanied with a breath test is considered a mandatory condition.
  • In case of accident without involvement of another vehicle e.g. if it goes off the road, overturns, hits a fixed obstacle (tree or wall, etc.), the driver-renter covered by FULL insurance is responsible for every damage to the vehicle up to the amount of participation stated and agreed upon in the rental agreement.
  • In case the driver-renter drives off the asphalt road, they are not covered by any insurance and are fully responsible for every damage to the QRent vehicle (external and internal), but also for any damage caused to everything else involved in the accident.
  • In case of damage to the QRent’s vehicle due to collision or fire, the driver-renter holder of a PREMIUM policy must pay the amount of liability for damage. The liability amount does not include storage and loss of vehicle cost. When and if QRent is compensated for the damage, it will return the corresponding amount to the renter.

In each of the above cases, recording of the event by the traffic police accompanied with a breath test is considered a mandatory condition.

(prices are exclusive of VAT)

What is not covered by any insurance:
• Damages due to traffic law violation.
• Damages due to inappropriate driving or negligence.
• Damages that caused because the driver was driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• Damages caused by an unauthorized driver.
• Damages in the interior of the car.
• Loss or Damage or Theft of Keys.
• Loss or Damage of the vehicle’s child seats, jack, safety triangle, spare wheel, petrol cap.
• Damage to the engine through negligence.
• Damage to the engine by wrong fuel.
• Damages that caused because the vehicle was used off-road or in not appropriate roads.
• Damages that caused after the agreed return time.
• Damages that caused willfully or recklessly by the renter e.g. (burning out the clutch, burning out the tires, sitting or standing on the bonnet, or the roof or the boot lid of the vehicle.
• Damage caused by accident and our company and police not notified at the time of the accident
• Damages caused during the commission of criminal acts.

Theft insurance:
Theft insurance is included in the rental cost and with this insurance, you are fully covered in case of theft. This insurance doesn’t cover if the theft occurred because of negligence (e.g. keys left either in the ignition or inside the vehicle). This insurance also doesn’t cover theft of personal belongings.

Road Accident:
In case of a road accident, you have to inform our company immediately and also the police. The police will record the accident, and you have to get a copy of the police report.
Without a police report, the renter takes full responsibility.

Traffic violations, traffic fines, and Administrative Sanctions:
The renter is liable for the payment of all traffic fines and appended administrative sanctions that may result from any violation of the Greek Traffic Law during the rental period.

Age of Drivers
The renter/driver of the QRent must be at least 19 years old to rent the categories car A, B, C. Over 23 years for the categories C1, D, E, F, G, LUX and over 25 years for all the other categories.
Drivers who are under 23years old or over 70 years old, are subject to a charge of  fee known as a young driver surcharge. These extra fees will apply to drivers over 70 as well when permitted.
If you are over 70 years old or you are younger than 23 years old, please do contact us by mail or phone to be informed about the special terms & conditions that will apply to your car hire.

Driving License:
The driving license must be issued three years before car pickup date.
National Driving Licenses issued in EU, UK, RUS and the other European countries are accepted.
Citizens of all other countries are required to have a valid international Driver’s’ License along with their regular Drivers’ License.
The Driver is required to display the Driving License before the pickup of the car.

Delivery to locations other than Qrent offices and stations
This service is possible under agreement with Qrent Reservations department, please cotact us to +30 69 47 277 277. Please advise the car booking board at homepage to be informed on our offices and stations.

After Hours Delivery & Collection of Vehicles:
We can deliver and collect the rental vehicle even outside working hours (22:00 – 08:00).
The extra cost for this service is 20,00€ per delivery or collection


  • An advanced written authorization of the Qrent Retrieval branch is necessary in order to travel outside Greece or/and boarding on a boat.
  • Τhere is a kilometer limit for car rental from 1 day to 3 days of rent and this is set at 150 km / day, otherwise there is a charge of 0.20 € / extra kilometer. From the 4th day of rent onwards we offer unlimited kilometers.

Payment methods
Online bookings do not require any deposit. All of the above are applied upon your arrival to our offices.
Cash payments are welcomed but a credit card is necessary as a guarantee for the retrieval of the vehicle, for security reasons and camera traffic fines. We accept Visa and MasterCard. Payment of the car hire total amount is possible to be made by cash, credit card or/and debit card.

Fuel Policy:
The renter has to return the vehicle with the same level of fuel as delivered.
If the renter returns the vehicle with less level of fuel, that was delivered, the renter will be charged the fuel difference.
There is no refund if the renter returns the vehicle with more level of fuel that was delivered.

Pets – Animals:
Pets are allowed in cars, but must be transported in special carrying cases or with the use of special covers. Otherwise you will be charged for the biological cleaning of the vehicle interior.

Vehicle Cleaning:
Your vehicle is delivered clean both externally and internally. When returning the vehicle, the exterior must be in a condition that can be inspected for possible damage. Regarding the interior, in case there are significant stains in the cabin of the vehicle (which do not go away with the simple cleaning) then you will be charged for the biological cleaning of the cabin of the vehicle.

Important notes:

PETROL POLICY / FUEL SERVICE CHARGE: The vehicle is handed over and needs to be returned with the same amount of fuel as when it was received. If this is less than what you received then the “Fuel Service Charge” service will be charged €10+VAT24% plus the amount of fuel missing.

LOST KEY: The lessee is responsible for the key of the vehicle and if this is lost it is not covered by any insurance that we provide.

FINES AND VIOLATIONS: All fines and administrative penalties arising out of the driver’s culpability are fully payable by the lessee.

CLEANING OF THE VEHICLE: In case the car requires special cleaning (e.g. odour removal, contamination / animal hairs, dirty car/seat interior due to sand /soil or sea salts or liquid leakage etc.) once it has been returned, there will be a cleaning fee of €70+VAT24% for biological cleaning.

You should be aware that all cars have a non-smoking policy. Fines will be imposed if there is non-compliance with this policy.

Modification of Rental / Information
In case you need to amend / cancel your reservation please do contact us by mail to info@qrent.gr or phone at +30 69 47 277 277 

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